With dating apps, constant parties and the overall easy access of finding hookups, dating seems to have become a thing of the past.
I love dating. Getting to meet new people and try new things is exciting. But since coming to college, I have yet to go on a single date. It’s not that I haven’t tried, but with dating apps no one seems to be interested in actually getting to know each other anymore. Just the other day I was talking to my roommates about dating, and they all agreed that it’s almost impossible to meet someone without the help of a dating app like Tinder or Bumble. But once you’re on those apps, it’s hard to find someone who actually wants to do more than just hook up.
It’s college — hookups happen, but people seem to have given up on dating all together, and instead, are just hooking up with as many people as possible. There’s nothing wrong with just wanting to hookup, but it’s gotten to the point where finding an actual date seems almost impossible.
According to an article from campus explorer, “7 surprising college dating statistics,” one-third of college seniors have had fewer than two dates in their four years at school. However, 72 percent of seniors said they have had at least one one-night-stand while at school.
Dating used to be so simple. You would meet someone you like, or are attracted to, and you ask that person on a date, face-to-face. But with technology, it’s almost unheard of to have someone ask you out in person.
According to an article written by the New York Times titled “Is dating a thing of the past,” dating no longer exists. “Hanging-out” is the new dating, and to expect anything else would be unrealistic. Relationship experts said this is due to technology.
“Traditional courtship — picking up the telephone and asking someone on a date — required courage, strategic planning and a considerable investment of ego (by telephone, rejection stings),” The article stated. “Not so with texting, e-mail, Twitter or other forms of ‘asynchronous communication,’ as techies call it. In the context of dating, it removes much of the need for charm; it’s more like dropping a line in the water and hoping for a nibble.”
It seems clear that dating is no longer a norm for young adults, but instead, hooking up and hiding behind technology are the main ways people interact. It’s too bad really because dating is a fun excuse to get dressed up and get out of the house. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I like those first date butterflies and end-of-date front step goodnight kisses.
So next time you meet someone you want to date — do it. Get dressed and go out. Dating isn’t dead yet, there’s still plenty of time to bring it back and remind others what those butterflies feel like.