The University Marketing and Communication office, which executes DSU’s large-scale events and provides swag at said events, moved to a new location over the summer.
The UMAC relocated from its previous residence at the North Burns Offices to its new location in Building C of University Plaza, according to an email sent to faculty and staff on May 30. Jordon Sharp, the UMAC’s chief marketing and communication officer, said the UMAC wouldn’t be fully functional for several weeks due to the remodeling, coordinating and organizing that took place.
Services provided by the UMAC include graphic design, photography, videography, facility branding, printing—including large format—and production of various Dixie-centric publications.
All services were affected to some degree, but production was affected the most since equipment wasn’t functional until the remodel was complete, Sharp said. However, he also said the UMAC was able to complete all requested jobs over the summer because of adjustments and prioritization, and it’s now back to full function.
The reason for the UMAC’s relocation is the staff has “rapidly grown out of [their] current space” in the process of working to expand their marketing and public relations efforts, as well as other services the UMAC provides on campus, Sharp said.
Sharp also said, “We understand this will be a minor inconvenience for individuals who frequently pick up orders and work closely with UMAC. We hate to be leaving campus, but we are looking forward to having enough space to better serve and promote our institution.”
UMAC interns Tori Lewis and Rylee Colmenero said they really needed the extra room for computers and other equipment. At the old location, interns were practically on top of each other, they said. Bathrooms were used for event storage and work spaces filled every corner of the office.
“We had staff members working out of break rooms, copy rooms, hallways and the lobby,” Sharp said. “Bringing all of our people and resources under one roof with ample room to do our jobs has drastically increased productivity. We’re thankful to the DSU administration for recognizing our efforts and granting the needed space to continue our work effectively in branding and promoting the University.”
Sharp also said the UMAC currently has 12 interns who contribute to the “nearly 1,000 marketing and communication pieces produced annually, some of which are award-winning,” thus making interns and the space they need to do their work “an integral part of [the UMAC’s] success.”