Maintaining your mental health throughout a global pandemic

The coronavirus has struck the entire world with fear and continues to do so daily by updating the world with new statistics. Make sure to take care of yourself and not panic during this time. Photo by Jessica Johnson.

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It’s everywhere: the news, the radio, social media and anywhere else you can imagine — and it struck the entire world with fear.

Being isolated in the midst of a global crisis can take a huge toll on your mental health and preexisting mental conditions. Here are some tips to remain grounded, calm and mentally healthy. 

Don’t panic

It is a scary and emotional time in our world right now. With people losing their lives, getting sick and emptying stores, it is completely normal to go into panic mode or let anxiety get the best of you; however, controlling this with techniques is healthier for your immune system, body and mental health.

“If you start to panic, turn off your phone, distract yourself and breathe,” said Penny Mills, a senior communication studies major from Orem and the next student body president. “Plan relaxing activities such as coloring, listening to music or anything that calms the senses.”

Panicking can be a huge stressor on your body and lower your immune system, which is the last thing your body needs during this outbreak. 

Avoid completely isolating yourself 

Yes, we must isolate ourselves physically as much as we can from others right now; however, that doesn’t mean you should completely isolate yourself. 

Locking yourself in your room during this scary situation is only going to make you feel more alone and take a toll on your wellbeing.

“Call, video chat or text your friends and family,” said Olivia Adkin, an exercise science major from Snow Canyon. “Keep in contact with your favorite people to avoid feeling lonely and down in the dumps.” 

Avoid letting facts and statistics depress you 

With all the new information regarding COVID-19 coming out, it can be easy to allow yourself to get depressed with all the mentions of death, sickness and tragedy. 

It is important to realize that this situation is sad, but allowing yourself to wallow in it can harm your mental health. 

Watch funny or cute videos, read articles about successful statistics for the coronavirus, or even call your friends for a laugh. Keeping your attitude and outlook positive is better for your mental health while self-isolating. 

Create a routine

Creating a routine for yourself helps motivate you to get out of bed and be productive. Practicing your normal routines that you used to do before can also help you stay in touch with your life from before this pandemic. 

This is helpful for people who are prone to being depressed or anxious and allows them to focus on the tasks at hand rather than the scary facts and statistics.

The Booth Wellness Center’s Instagram page suggests implementing podcasts, coloring app activities and positive affirmation apps into your new routine to keep your mind healthy.

Take care of yourself

Self-isolating is a recipe for junk food and wearing pajamas all day, but make sure you’re taking care of yourself.

Eat balanced and healthy meals and make sure to get some sunshine at least once a day. Get up early, get ready for the day and dress as you normally would. 

These steps can help with boosting self-esteem, maintaining a positive attitude and creating a distraction. Taking care of your body, your mind and your mental health needs to be one of your top priorities during this time of uncertainty.