It’s OK to not know: DSU’s Major and Minor Exploration Fair helps students discover passions

DSU’s Career Center and Academic Advisement Center held a COVID-friendly fair Feb. 24 to preview the different majors and minors DSU has to offer. This fair offered the perfect place for students to explore different interests. Photo by Bailey Chamberlain.

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College is a time for individuals to explore future career options and what they are passionate about. Choosing a major, minor, degree and career path seems like a stressful task for students, but Dixie State University’s Career Center and Academic Advisement Center are here to help.

DSU’s Career Center and Academic Advisement Center held their annual Major and Minor Exploration Fair Feb. 24, and students had the opportunity to connect with and learn about the majors and minors offered to them. The event is held each spring while students are preparing to choose the courses they would like to take in the upcoming fall semester.

“This event is a great opportunity for students to not only explore majors, but minors and certificates in all areas,” career coach Rochelle Blatter said.

DSU has 68 degrees and 44 minors for students to choose from, and it is always adding more. It is ideal that students find the major and minor that is the best fit for them so they are doing what they love at school and making an impact on their future.

“Students are more engaged in their college and academic experience if they have direction. Choosing your major and ultimately your career helps students feel more confident on their career path.”

Career coach Rochelle Blatter

Talking with an academic adviser or a career coach from the Career Center is one way students can start finding something they love and want to study at DSU.

Blatter said: “Career Services offers a variety of appointments and services to help students explore majors and careers; [this includes] a Career Exploration Extended Appointment, which includes self-reflection, strengths, interests, and personality and helps formulate an action plan to explore further.”

Academic advisers help students choose a major and minor to get started on the path to graduation, as this is vital for success in a future career. It is important to engage in both a minor and a major because employers will always look at students’ degrees to see what skills they bring to the table.

“The goal of a bachelor’s degree is to upscale yourself or bring a skill set to an employer,” said Shane Blocker, assistant director of career services.

Students are often confused about what a minor is and why it may be beneficial to their degree. A minor is equally as important as a major because it sets students apart from others by adding more experience, knowledge and expertise to their resumes. A minor can be something students are passionate about, or it can be a set of courses that go hand-in-hand with their major.

“A minor is an opportunity to study something you enjoy that you don’t have the time to do a full degree on,” said Katie Armstrong, director of college advisement.

Armstrong said when students choose to add a minor to their degree, they should be interested in the topic, understand what is expected, and ensure they have the time and motivation for more classes.

“We never want students to feel rushed or forced,” Armstrong said. “It is OK to be exploratory and to not know.”

Since it is essential for students to eventually choose a major and minor, it is important to explore all of the options at DSU. This is why students are required to take general education courses; it allows for students to scout out every opportunity and program at DSU.

“Students are more engaged in their college and academic experience if they have direction,” Blatter said. “Choosing your major and ultimately your career helps students feel more confident on their career path.”