OPINION | Healthy eating and exercise is not a one-size-fits-all

Skye Hanson, a sophomore general studies major from Syracuse, is focusing on finding foods that will fuel her body and make her feel good. Annie Sorensen | Sun News Daily.

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“Do this everyday to be healthy!” Is the phrase we constantly see on social media or advertised to us. This phrase interested me for so long because I genuinely longed for something quick and easy to add to my day, so I almost always clicked for more information.

The word healthy has different meanings for different people. When I fell for the easy, quick health fixes, my idea of health was tied to being skinny or having flawless skin.

I have found it crucial to disassociate “healthy equals skinny” or “healthy equals flawless skin.” I can be in great health but still struggle with acne or body image. I now know healthy means focusing on feeling my best rather than looking my best. Coming to learn this is how I have grown my self-love.

Physical health needs must be met but also mental health needs must be met. It is crucial to enjoy and look forward to the routines and goals you set for yourself. In my experience, days on end of cardio may have strengthened my body, but I never enjoyed doing that much cardio. Find something you are excited to do everyday or else there is no way you can healthily stick with it. I now enjoy going to the gym to move my body because I’ve found excitement and confidence in doing more weightlifting than cardio.

“Some 25% of the U.S. population reported zero leisure-time physical activity,” said an article from the American Psychological Association.

If one-fourth of the U.S. population reports no physical activity then it is well known that incorporating physical activity is hard, and if it were easy, then everyone would do it. It is important to know any routine needs more than fun to fuel it in the long run. It needs discipline. Learning discipline is important for the days when you feel not in the mood. I found the days I don’t want to keep up with my goals are when I need it most.

In my nutrition goals, I have implemented methods that perfectly suit my goals, personality and the way I am motivated. I track my macronutrients and follow a split calculated for my body and my goals. Knowing exactly what I am eating brings me peace and more freedom in my everyday life. For others, following a plan like mine would be detrimental to their mental health.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are what doctors and professionals follow. Why are we prescribing the same guidelines for everyone when we aren’t all the same?

“The government is spending $12 million on guidelines for 40% of us, at most. It’s time we get away from a one-size-fits-all diet and instead have a range of options that could together be a Dietary Guidelines for All Americans,” according to an article from the Washington Post.

When professionals like doctors and dietitians promise results by following those generic guidelines, and those results aren’t met, it can be devastating. A study was done by Tim Spector in his book, “The Diet Myth,” with many identical twins where they ate the same foods and tested their blood afterwards. Blood sugar, insulin and gut microbes are a few of the factors tested from their blood.

“Even identical twins had different responses to the same foods. That might be down to their gut microbes, as the twins shared only 37% of the same microbes with each other. That’s only slightly more than unrelated individuals, which share an average of 35% of the same microbes.” a CNBC article said about the study.

This is why we should not follow health trends and expect to get the same results as someone else. I have learned I am someone who thrives off of exact plans and exact goals so I have created those for myself in exercise and nutrition. Others may not want such a set in stone plan because it feels more restricting.

Do not misunderstand me when I say find what makes you most happy. Eating chocolate cake for every meal of the day may bring happiness in the moment but later on, your body will not be happy. The trick is finding the balance your future self will thank you for. I urge you to find a method you truly enjoy the most while still pushing yourself to grow.