With many doors still left open after the truth in tuition hearing the Utah State Legislative session has been able to close a few.
The topics in question regard the budget funds for Dixie State University to utilize. The possibility of a new building, increased faculty salaries and increased tuition were the major funds DSU was looking for.
Sen. Don Ipson said: “There was over $510 million of new money put into education this year. That’s in addition to the base budget that had growth money and money put into it before the first year. So there’s an extraordinary amount of money that has been put into public education as well as higher education.”
The increased amount of money budgeted for state employees by the state is 5.75%. This increase is to ensure high quality faculty and staff during the economic inflation we are currently experiencing.
Just south of the Udvar-Hazy School of Business, DSU will be building a fully funded $56 million general education building. This building will accommodate 50 additional classrooms, 100 faculty offices and 20 study rooms. The current pavilion and sand volleyball in that space will be relocated to a nearby location.
Rep. Brad Last said: “For universities especially growing universities like ours… you always cross your fingers when you need a new building. We were lucky this year to get it funded.”
The increased tuition amount depended on the final budgets from the legislature and was discussed by the board of trustees on March 11. The board recommended a 4% increase for the 2022-2023 fall semester. The amount is awaiting approval by the Utah Board of Higher Education.
Funding was also given to DSU to put the athletics “on par” with the other division one universities in Utah as we grow our athletics department.
$3 million is budgeted to DSU to assist with the rebranding process to Utah Tech University.
Campus View Suites III is in the plans to be constructed in place of the Nisson Towers during the 2022-2023 school year. The Legislature enabled DSU to bond for the estimated $62.5 million building.
The DSU Institute of Politics held a Legislative Roundup on March 22 as part of the pizza and politics series. Six of the local legislators discussed the main points of the recent session and their effects on DSU as well as Washington County and the state of Utah.
Rep. V. Lowry Snow said the main takeaway is: “Within those appropriations do we emphasize funding education, do we fund… improving our water situation, do we fund affordable housing. It becomes a real balancing act and it’s not in some ways that much different than balancing your budget.”