Pinterest Project: Stained Mason jars easy, delightful success

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Mason jars aren’t just for preserving fruit. 

Pinterest is swarming with intriguing crafts involving Mason jars, so I decided to take on a do-it-yourself stained jar tutorial, which Pinterest linked from www.sixsisterstuff.com.

I channeled my inner Martha and spent nearly two hours staining six jars. The project requires Mod Podge, food coloring, water, a small bowl, a spoon, a cookie sheet, an oven and some light patience. 

The Mod Podge was the biggest annoyance of the project, since it’s a sticky, glue-like substance that somehow got all over me, my counters and my oven. Beware. Also, the jars’ stains ended up being lighter than I hoped. I would double or triple coat the jars with the stain prior to baking in the future.

Overall, the project was easy, fast, cheap and leaves you with adorably-colored jars that can spice up any space.


Step 1: Mix four tablespoons of Mod Podge, a general amount of food coloring and two tablespoons of water into a small bowl. Stir until the coating is smooth. 


Step 2: Pour the coating into the jar. Turn the jar until it’s fully coated.


Step 3: Place the coated jar upside down onto a cooking sheet and bake for three minutes at 200 degrees.


Step 4: Turn the jar right side up and continue baking for another 30 to 35 minutes.

Step 5:  Remove jars from the oven and let cool. Enjoy the finished stained jars.