Pinterest Project: Super Bowl Sunday Scotcheroos tasty yet tricky

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Not all Pinterest projects turn out as picturesque as the pin leads you to believe.

My intention was to make something delicious for Super Bowl Sunday, so I took to Pinterest in search of the perfect football game treat.

While browsing the pins, I found a recipe for cute football Scotcheroos that I couldn’t pass up. These peanut butter rice crispy treats seemed simple enough, and I thought they would be a great treat to take to any Super Bowl Sunday party. The recipe was well-written and easy to follow.  I had most of the ingredients in my pantry already, which made this treat inexpensive to make.  

The only problem was the chocolate dipping step; it was harder than I thought it would be. Creating the laces out of the white chocolate was difficult because the melted chocolate kept running all over the place, making a mess on top of my otherwise decent-looking desserts. Hence, my Scotcheroos did not look like the perfect picture I had in mind. 

You’ll need 1 cup of white sugar, 1 and 1/4 cup of light corn syrup, 1 cup of peanut butter, 2 teaspoons of vanilla, 6 cups of Rice Krispies, a 16-ounce package of melting chocolate, 2 ounces of white melting chocolate, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, and one large and one small saucepan.



1) Follow the recipe. Melt the sugar and corn syrup in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and add peanut butter and vanilla. Stir until melted and combined. Put the Rice Krispies in a large mixing bowl, and pour the peanut butter over them, mixing it all together.

2) Spread the mixture onto a greased cookie sheet and allow two hours for the mixture to become firm. Once hardened, cut the Scotcheroos into the desired shape. In this case, it was footballs.

3) Combine melting chocolate and oil in a saucepan and melt it. Dip your Scotcheroo shapes in the chocolate using a fork.

4) In a separate pan, melt the white chocolate for the laces. When melted, transfer chocolate to a plastic zipper bag. Seal the bag at the top and cut a tiny hole in the corner of the bag to create the white laces on the footballs. Let the chocolate cool and enjoy. 

To help yours turn out more presentable than mine I would suggest waiting until the white chocolate hardens a little bit after putting it in the plastic zipper bag. That way, the chocolate won’t be as runny coming out of the bag while you try to make the laces. Despite the look of my Scotcheroos, they tasted delicious, and I will be making them again.