Narcissistic, pity-seeking posts rank among worst social networking habits

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Attention selfie-takers, Facebook-gloaters and ill-mannered social media users –– it’s time to stop the madness.

Social media: we can’t live with or without it. Dixie Sun News surveyed 50 DSU students about their ideas of the most aggravating social media acts. Proceed with caution; these are DSU students’ top five most irritating online behaviors:


Facebook Lovers

Of the surveyed students, 22 percent found lovey-dovey Facebook actions to be vomit-inducing. The Facebook lovers are the people who comment gushy, emoji-filled public messages to one another with no apparent regard for anyone else’s gag reflex.

Steven Caballero, a freshman CIT major from St. George, said he finds Facebook lovers gross, and he gets bummed at the sight of Facebook lovers’ activity.

“For people who are alone like me, to see people who have relationships and show kissing pictures, you end up feeling left out of the moment,” Caballero said. “I think people should be more private online.”



Narcissistic behaviors include an abundance of compliment-fishing selfies, unnecessary bragging and less-than-subtle self-promoting. Of the surveyed students, 26 percent found narcissism to be the most cringe-worthy social media behavior.

Assistant communication professor Rebecca DiVerniero said while narcissistic posts can be eye roll-worthy, it is important to not make assumptions about Facebook friends’ intentions.

“I know a saying about Facebook is that everyone on Facebook is having a better day than you,” DiVerniero said. “Whether it’s on purpose or not, people post mostly the best part of their day. Why would I take a photo of myself when I’m in a bad mood, right? 

Pity Posts

You know the posts. They are the melodramatic status updates like, “Ugh, why do I even try? #depressed.” Of those surveyed, 24 percent of students found pity party posts to be comparable to nails on a chalkboard.

Josh Lancaster, a freshman CIT major from Murray, said pity party posts induce annoying feelings in other people and are more likely to gain a “block” than support.

“Think about the way other people are going to interpret what you put up,” Lancaster said. “Would you be annoyed or would you even care if other people where constantly putting up the things you were putting up?”

DiVerniero said it may be wise to keep negative feelings private.

“When I’m having a bad day, I generally keep it to myself because I don’t want to hear other people’s opinions about it,” DiVerniero said.


Endless Game Invites

Do you want to play “Farmville?” “Mafia Wars?” No? OK, maybe tomorrow. Of the surveyed students, 18 percent thought repeat Facebook game invites were incredibly annoying. Most of those students made reference to parents being active game inviters. Parents, listen up, no one wants to play with you.

Caballero said he receives game invites often and usually ignores the invite completely.

“I don’t have time for it,” Caballero said. “I don’t think most people have time for it.”


Pointless Posts

The pointless posts are status updates like the following: “Just bought dish soap. About to clean all the sinks in my house. #gettingbusy.” Of those surveyed, 10 percent of students voted pointless posts to be rip-your-hair-out annoying.

Lancaster said pointless posts are just extra noise, and the posts aren’t adding any value to the realm of social media.

“The other behaviors are annoying, but at least there is a possibility that someone could get something out of the other behaviors or someone will care,” Lancaster said. “But people posting about what they had for lunch every day doesn’t have the same effect.”

DiVerniero advised students to evaluate their actions before making them public on social media.

“Maybe we can step back and say, ‘Is what I’m doing productive for anything other than making myself feel better about myself?’” DiVerniero said.