My thermostat currently reads 65 degrees, and I’m wearing long pants, socks, a sweatshirt, and I’m wrapped head to toe in a big, fluffy blanket.
I beat my record from last year; I made it to early December without turning on my heater. It’s getting turned on tomorrow, purely for the fact that if I get much colder, I run the risk of refusing to get out of my warm bed, which would result in missing school and failing my finals.
Finals: Such a dirty word. The sound of it makes me cringe.
Whenever I think of finals, I start to panic. Not because I’m worried about the actual test I’ll have to take, but rather because of the flood of responsibility that comes after finals week.
Finals. Christmas. New Years. Spring semester. Birthday parties. Literally more than half my nieces and nephews are all born the first of the year.
See, doesn’t thinking about all of those events in a rushed manner get you a little panicked? If not, then I envy you, immensely.
A brand new year is what’s the most nerve-racking. Everyone starts building those monstrous “New Years resolutions” lists, and I’m just over here trying to figure out which Ninja Turtle my nephew wants for Christmas and what other totally awesome toy I’ll be able to find him for his birthday.
Are you starting to understand why I panic at just the thought of finals?
As we finish of this semester and I write my last article on energy, I want to share with you a bit of advice.
Yes, my column is titled “Watt’s Your Future Worth?,” but in this moment I want you to consider your present. The end of one year and the start of another can be daunting, but don’t let it overwhelm you; keep your cool.
Take your life one day at a time. Tackle your assignments, and then tackle finals. Move onto Christmas, and then after a few days, spend some time writing those New Years resolutions. Have fun on New Years and come back to spring semester energized and ready for the next 17 weeks.
Oh, and while you’re writing those New Years resolutions, don’t forget what we’ve talked about this semester.
Try adding these items to your list:
- Become educated on the various different forms of energy and their uses.
- Recognize the amount of energy used and appreciate it.
- Use energy efficiently.
- Turn off lights when not needed.
- Use the heater and air conditioner moderately.
- Stay true to yourself – don’t forget your roots just to save energy.
Don’t let the New Year scare you, but rather welcome it with open arms. It can be an exciting time if we will just take control of our own lives and make our resolutions realistic and obtainable.