Go vote: Millennials’ votes valuable, influential in elections

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Politics can be as thrilling as the Super Bowl, and the biggest game of the year is just getting interesting.

The presidential elections of 2016 are fast approaching, and for many young people, it will be the first time they will be able to voice their opinion with their vote. It may sound cliche, but young people are the future of America, and voting is how millennials can can start to make their ideal future a reality. Make it a goal to pay attention to the presidential race and vote in the November elections.   

Votes from college-aged Americans are some of the most sought after votes in the elections. From Republican front-runner Donald Trump appearing in a “Hotline Bling” parody music video to Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders promising free college to all, the presidential candidates know appealing to young voters is one of the most important things they can do on the campaign trail. 

Your vote as a college student is valuable.

After a record number of young voters showed up at the recent democratic Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary, Sanders made surprising headway against Hillary Clinton — virtually tying in Iowa and beating Clinton by a landslide in New Hampshire. 

Political analysts couldn’t fathom anyone besides Clinton winning the democratic nomination a year ago. Sanders’ rise can be attributed to one outstanding factor — his overwhelming support from young voters.

After losing in New Hampshire, Clinton said: “We’re going to fight for every vote in every state. I know I have some work to do, particularly with young people.”

According to an article on vox.com, even if Sanders doesn’t win the nomination, his support from young voters is proof his brand of politics is the future of the democratic party.

When writing a recent article about what college students want in the next president, I talked to about 20 random Dixie State University students around campus. While some of the respondents had legitimate feedback, most of the responses I received from students were along the lines of “I don’t care about politics” or “My vote doesn’t count for anything so why bother.”  

If everyone who thought their vote didn’t count for anything showed up at the polls, they would become major voting bloc that may determine the outcome of the elections this November. Young people have traditionally been this bloc, but this year, more young voters are coming out of the woodwork and voting to make their mark on the outcome of the election. 

Whatever your political views are, simply staying informed and participating in polls and elections will send a message to the candidates that the issues that matter to college students is something they will need to address. The most important thing you can do is vote, even if you think your vote is just a drop in the bucket. 

The caucus in Utah where you can vote for who you want to be nominated by the republicans or the democrats will be March 22 and will take place at several locations in the community. And the final presidential election will be Nov. 8. 

It can be exciting to follow along with the debates and polls as well. You’ll see some of the most vicious, ad hominem attacks and fiery emotional pleas on live TV during election season. And unlike the Super Bowl, players in the 2016 presidential race can’t get fined for unsportsmanlike conduct.