Upward: Making tough decisions will yield reward

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One afternoon in November 2014, I came home from work and totally broke down.

I am not a crier, but I balled my eyes out.

Don’t get me wrong, my life at that point was pretty good. My job paid well, my coworkers were great; I didn’t have much to complain about. But I had a secret and I couldn’t hide it any longer.

I knew I was on the wrong path, and things needed to change.

Often, the most important decisions made in life are the scariest. They will seem the most risky. They might force you out of a comfortable lifestyle, but those decisions often yield the highest reward, not just financially, but also in experience.

That afternoon, I made a promise with myself to chase my dreams no matter the cost.

I quit my job, went back to school full time, and am now on track to graduate with my bachelor’s degree in the spring. The easier decision would have been to make no decision and stay at that job for 10 years. I made the hard decision and feel more fulfilled than ever before.

I’m definitely still making mistakes along the way, but the last two years have taught me a little bit about what it takes to visualize your desires and make them a reality. I don’t have my degree yet, but am already working in my field of study, managing a business, and am taking steps to become a leader in a competitive industry post-graduation. 

It’s been an interesting ride so far, but I’ve learned that anyone can take exactly what they want from life by following certain principles, ones that we will be exploring together in Upward.

Every other week, you can expect helpful tips and tricks to become the best version of yourself, career-wise and beyond, along with personal experiences that I’ve found valuable during my journey in-progress.

Lesson number one: if you feel like you’ve reached a point where your personal improvement has become stagnant, make a change, even if it’s a scary one. Figure out what is stopping you and eliminate it. Growth is only possible when we exit our comfort zone, and will always lead toward a better you if you actively work towards it.

Until next time, if you are faced with a difficult decision remember this quote from Ahdaf Soueif: “Which is better? To take action and perhaps make a fatal mistake — or to take no action and die slowly anyway?”