Dixie State University needs more majors falling under the political science realm.
There’s no doubt DSU has grown in size over the last 10 years, but with this new growth there aren’t enough majors being added in the humanities and social sciences colleges.
DSU currently offers 66 degrees and 44 minors and seven new ones will be added into that mix through the strategic plan. Even with this new strategic plan there will still not be enough majors for students, in turn, increasing the transfer rate at DSU.
College Tuition Compare said, “The transfer-out rate is 26%, as of August 31, 2018.”
The campus and community have grown exponentially, creating more room for more majors to be implemented; however, with the new strategic plan in place, it seems as though DSU won’t be catering to more college of humanities and social sciences majors in the near future.
The 2020-2025 strategic plan has a mission of making DSU a more polytechnic school and is pushing for innovation and entrepreneurship. With this new strategic plan, the opportunities for engineering majors, for example, opens up. While this is great news for some it’s not for others.
Majors under the social science categories seem to be falling short in light of the strategic plan. There are only 10 majors or programs with additional emphases under the college of humanities and social sciences.
While the strategic plan is a great opportunity for those wanting to go into a more technical college, I feel as if the offered majors and minors are reaching a tipping point and are no longer at a balance.
There is going to be an overwhelming amount of majors in the coming years for the sciences and polytechnical side as DSU is in the midst of building an entirely new and updated science building.
I have heard from friends in the past say they don’t think they can continue staying at DSU because they don’t have the specific major they want. I often hear this in regard to people wanting to have some type of law major or someone who wants a more focused communication major.
Due to the insufficient majors offered at DSU many friends have expressed the need to transfer.
In light of having a polytechnical side to DSU, I would like to see more range with our communication and business majors. To me, this takes the form of having a renovated or newly built communication building or renovated business building.
With this goal of mine in mind, DSU would be able to provide more in the ways of technology and equipment for these buildings, in turn, allowing for broader majors to be made which would then bring in an influx of students.
If DSU wants to decrease the transfer rate to other universities, more majors need to start being made available. I know not everybody’s needs and wants can be met, but if DSU tries to balance out the majors a little more evenly by offering more in the college of humanities and social sciences there could be room for even more growth as a university.