DSU’s Career Center gets students prepared to get a job before graduation

Since there is always a demand for jobs after and during college life, DSU career services are always here to help students navigate their career planning process and prepare for the next step after graduation. Misha Mosiichuk | Sun News Daily

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It’s getting to the time where graduating seniors start looking for the job they’ve been working towards. 

It can be intimidating to search for the job that’s going to kickstart your career, especially after employment rates dropped in Utah with the pandemic. There has been a slow rise in employment opportunities making it easier for recent graduates to find work.  

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook 2022 report, “Employers plan to hire 26.6% more new graduates from the class of 2022 than they did from the class of 2021.” 

There are quite a few jobs available in St. George with employers who are eager to hire recent graduates. 

“They are looking for students that are disciplined in learning and wanting to help their company grow,” said Cheryl Brandt, employer specialist.

Brandt said employers are looking for students with soft skills and the desire to learn and communicate. 

She also said internships are a gateway into a full-time position if you’ve been doing a good job with a company.

“Before they had offered me the job, I was definitely worried about finding a good job and was scared to start looking,” said Alex Johanson, Dixie State University alumni. “I was lucky to get a job right after graduation and am thankful for it and my schooling that helped me get it.”

Johanson said they were excited to see their schooling payoff and be able to get a good job as an audit associate. Johanson said they were worried about finding a good job and was scared to start looking for something right out of school. 

Career coach, Abbey Tena-Thompson, said to get a good start on the job search. Seniors should make sure they have all the materials they need when applying for jobs: resumes, cover letters and interview skills. Networking and researching your target companies is a good way to learn about possible employers and know what they want to see from you. 

The career center is ready to help you prepare. They are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and are currently accepting both in-person and virtual appointments. You can make an appointment through their website.

“Career Services would love to help students,” said Rochelle Blatter, senior career counselor. “Some of the services that we offer include resume and cover letter review, mock interviews, job search strategies, LinkedIn help and networking tips.”

Blatter said career services provide many opportunities each semester to attend events and activities. They also offer one-on-one mentoring, coaching and the ability to help students make connections in their fields. Services are free with the exception of certain assessments they offer.

Tena-Thomspon said to start applying during your last semester because the average time for graduates to find their first job is within three to six months after graduation. 

“It is better to have four different resumes for companies you are really interested in than to send the same resume to 100 different companies,” Tena-Thompson said. 

Keep in mind as you begin your job search, your first job doesn’t need to be directly related to your major. 

According to Zety’s 2021 HR Statistics: Job Search, Hiring, Recruiting, and Interviews, “Only 27% of college graduates are working in a job directly related to their major.” 

Starting the job search can be intimidating, but if you take the correct steps and stay focused, it might not be as difficult as you think. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t find something right off the bat, since it’s not uncommon for this to happen.