Declutter at Sigma Tau Delta’s rummage sale

Sigma Tau Delta, Utah Tech’s English Honor’s Society, is hosting their annual fundraiser March 2 from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m in the North Plaza Building. The fundraiser is a rummage sale and bake sale to help raise money for students to attend the Sigma Tau Delta’s National English Convention. Emily Vanmiddendorp | Sun News Daily

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Sigma Tau Delta is giving the community the opportunity to get rid of rummage not wanted anymore.

The fundraiser and bake sale will be held March 2 from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. in the North Plaza building parking lot.

All proceeds will go to Utah Tech’s English Honor Society. The efforts go toward helping the society attend the Sigma Tau Delta Centennial Convention in St. Louis.

This 13-year tradition has been able to help countless students attend an international convention where English majors can connect and network to learn about other types of research.

Shayne Nielson, vice president of the English Honor Society, said, “Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t really have the ability to send myself there on my own budget, even with some of the aid opportunities that the university offers.”

Nielson said the hope is to see a lot of people there because it’s really encouraging to see that there are people wanting to support the group in attending the convention. 

The English Honor Society is anticipating a large turnout since they are hosting the event for the whole day. Those involved are also participating in a bake sale in an effort to raise more money as well as intrigue more people to come to the sale.

Ami Comeford, professor of English, said, “The biggest takeaway that we want to have happen is that community members can find items they love and need and can upcycle and re-use as well as making enough money to cover the students’ travel expenses so that they can have this incredible life-changing experience of attending this conference.”

Comeford said the convention will include workshops for careers, leadership, professional development and access to nationally acclaimed writers.

Students and the public can donate items anywhere from clothes and shoes to furniture, books and old pet cages. The rummage sale is similar to a yard sale in how it works and is laid out.

Charlotte Beale, president of the English Honor Society, said, “If they can’t bring stuff to us, they can let us know what they have and where they’re at, and we will make time to go pick up the rummage from them.” 

The cul-de-sac in front of the Holland Centennial Commons building is where the chapter will be accepting donations and rummage before the sale as well as the day of. So, if participants have last-minute things they would like to donate, they can bring those items March 1 or the day of the sale.

For those who are unable to make it to the sale but would like to help the chapter make it to St. Louis for their convention, there is an option to donate money directly on their website

“Abstractly, it may seem like a silly, fun thing to do, but it does take a lot of time and effort to plan and execute,” Beale said. “There’s a lot of hoops we have to jump through, but it is all worth it if people come.”