EDITORIAL | A letter to our freshman selves, everything we wish we knew

The phrase “I wish I could tell my younger self…” or “I wish I would’ve known…” often comes to mind while reflecting on life’s experiences. You can’t undo the past, but what you learn and do with the future will influence your path. Cora Mark | Sun News Daily

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Dear current and future Trailblazers,

As the spring semester comes to an end, we as a staff reflected on our college experience and what we would want to tell our freshmen selves. 

Though our years in school range from freshmen to seniors, we have come to realize our college experience is so special and personalized to each of us. If you are planning on attending Utah Tech University, listen up. 

Slow Down

Many of us have college credits completed from high school, so our time here at Utah Tech will be shortened. While it’s good to plan ahead, we have learned it is crucial to slow down and enjoy your time while you’re here. Live in the moment. We have such a limited amount of time to be here, and we want to make it the best we can. 

Some of us started as completely different majors from what we currently are, and that’s OK. You have time to figure out what you like. The transition from one major to another may be stressful, but ultimately, it’s better to have no regrets and change to what you truly want to do. 

It’s up to you to create your life. Don’t do things just in spite of someone else. Do it for you, and be here for you. Take the time to think about who you want to be, and don’t rush through this experience. You don’t have to have everything figured out right now. 

Put Yourself First

Take the time to invest in yourself and take care of yourself. While the fear of missing out is a real concern, your priorities are not the same as the people around you. Don’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to do. 

Your past friendships and romantic relationships from high school have a high chance of ending or drastically changing, but you have to roll with that and accept new people into your life. 

Yet, it is still important to call your parents and siblings often. If you feel like you don’t belong and are struggling with imposter syndrome, call your parents and remember you deserve to be here and get an education.  

Managing Roommate Situations

We’ve had people tell us that we needed the typical college experience of having roommates and living in the dorms, but at the end of the day, some of us really didn’t. Instead of listening to what everyone tells you, listen to your instincts because you know what’s best for you.

For others of us, our living arrangements may have not been ideal, but one thing we’ve accepted is that life has a funny way of always working out. It may have not been in the way we planned, but everything happens for a reason.

If your living situation isn’t ideal, do your best to voice your concerns to your roommates because no one can read your mind. Stand up for yourself and remember your situation is temporary.

Use University Resources and Get Involved

Use the university’s resources like the Booth Wellness Center, the Human Performance Center and the tutoring center. Don’t be embarrassed if you need help with classwork, mental health or self-confidence.

Also, learn how to study before you get to college as well as how to manage your time effectively because once you become involved, you will have moments of feeling overwhelmed. However, don’t let this cause you to be afraid of getting out of your comfort zone. 

Additionally, get involved here. You will thank yourself for getting out of your comfort zone and will feel rewarded for your time dedicated to clubs and organizations. 

Take the time to get to know your peers, whether it be your roommates that you’re not a huge fan of or your classmates. This will enrich your experience by making you feel connected to others going through similar situations as you. 

Lastly, for incoming freshmen, just remember that while college isn’t an easy journey, you’ll find that you will make amazing memories here. Learn from us and what we would tell our freshmen selves. Ultimately, you’ll be grateful for the time you have here at Utah Tech.

We have knowledge from the past, optimism for the future and appreciation for the present. We want current and future Trailblazers to feel the same.

Yours truly,

Spring 2024 Sun News Daily staff