Request Robby: Live life vicariously

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What do you do?

Commonly, the third question one individual will ask another person is what he or she does for a living.    

Whether the intended answer is for work, school or leisure, the question is ridiculous and only invites a short, vague answer.

What do I do?

One of my favorite quotes comes from former Notre Dame football coach, Lou Holtz. He said, “If you’re bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things, you don’t have enough goals.”

I went on a spirit journey last year to find myself and experience something different than the norm.

Evolving from this adventure, I want to start a column journeying into your aspirations.

People tend to always express dissatisfaction toward the things which they fill their time with.

It is usually difficult to explain what I do because I, like anyone else, do “a little of this and a little of that.” I’m frustrated when I hear people say, “I [insert verb relating to current life situation], but I wish I could [insert lifestyle of characters in favorite movie].” I am also guilty of saying this at times.

Wishful thinking with no real intention is the definition of comfortable. Besides, attempting to accomplish anything out of the ordinary will only attract society’s eye of scrutiny. The world punishes and challenges those who set out to experience more than their menial tasks.

Society tells individuals: “No, you can’t. No, you won’t.” And, even after the adventure is completed and a job is well done, people’s reaction to the news is first, “No, you didn’t.”

Experiencing a lot of foolish things, I have bragging rights to the term spontaneous. However, whenever new acquaintances catch wind of bits of my life, it is very common for them to disbelieve. For instance, the unfortunate circumstances that led to my extended stay in Europe, sleeping on the streets and bouncing from train to train, baffle people.

I love my memories of eating McDonald’s out of dumpsters and not showering for a month. I set out to travel across Europe, and I not only did that, but I saw a side of adventure no one else will understand except my friend Kip because he too was there.

I am personally extending an invite to anyone who has a ridiculous dream. Fulfill it. I’m not saying to shoot for the moon, and if you miss, then land among the stars. I mean to shoot for the moon over and over until you hit the darn moon.

You don’t believe me? Challenge accepted.

In fact, I am offering the opportunity for anyone who would like a good laugh to request a task I should undertake. I will attempt to do whatever you ask, and then write about it. I would only ask you to be respectful and don’t ask me to do anything that could harm other people.

I can try building something interesting you’ve seen on Pinterest. I can sing a love song to a stranger in a public place. I will eat foods you’ve wanted to try but were too scared you would be dissatisfied.

Some of my stranger life experiences also may serve as an example. Some of which I’ve included, such as living in the wilderness for three days in search of a spirit animal and sleeping on the streets as a homeless person.

I also spent last semester at Dixie State College on the cheer squad. It was a new experience, as I’ve never done anything like it. I grew up with wrestling, football and band. I experienced every part of the stadium except cheer, and now I have the utmost respect for the cheer squad and what they do.

Don’t be afraid to get creative in your requests. However, I expect the things you request should also be things you would be willing to do. You’re simply allowing me to test the waters, so you can try it out with confidence that, whatever it is, it can be done.