For most of us it is hard to even imagine a life without a source of energy, let alone live a life without it. Without energy, society as we know it would not function the same.
You’re two pages in on writing your five-page paper, your hand is cramping, you have ink smeared across the page, and you’ve already got paper cuts on your fingers from flipping through the dictionary, finding the correct spelling of words. Writing a paper without energy powering your beloved computer doesn’t sound enjoyable; in fact, is it even possible?
You had a great day out on the lake. You spent some time boating, had lunch and got a killer tan. Then, you loaded up, jumped in the truck to leave and nothing happened. Frustrated, you jump out of the truck and find that the cap on your fuel tank is broken and your last bit of fuel that would have gotten you back into town has completely evaporated. Your source of energy to get back to town is gone and you’re clear out at the lake. Imagine if everyday you got in your vehicle the fuel tank was empty.
As children are continually born into this world, and technology develops, more energy is used. We live in a modernized, energy-fueled world today, and it is of big concern to many, including myself, as to where we will get the necessary energy to sustain that type of world.
Students need to realize that the energy they use daily doesn’t just come from thin air. We are daily users of energy (lots of it), and that energy must be created.
First, students need to realize the amount of energy they use daily and the importance of energy efficiency. Second, they need to understand that not all forms of energy are renewable. Most importantly, students need to be open-minded to using various different types of energy because energy from one single source won’t sustain our society for long.
With the amount of energy we as a society use, we need to be tapping into every source that we possibly can.
One energy source, known as fracking, is being fought against strongly by many who do not support the field of oil and gas.
Fracking is the process of forcing liquid into the shale rock layer deep within the earth so to force open the already existing fissures and extract oil. Fracking allows for more oil to be extracted than what traditional drilling allows for.
According to The Bismarck Tribune, oil production has reached 1,001,149 barrels per day. Fracking has played an important role in the success of oil production in North Dakota.
Unfortunately, the high levels of oil production aren’t happening in Utah. According to the State of Utah Oil and Gas Program, the production levels of oil have dropped in Utah this year.
Opposite of oil production, Utah population is increasing. Correct me if I am wrong, but a population increase and oil production decrease does not sound like a promising match.
Be smart with the energy that is produced. There are many actions that can be taken to best use the energy that we do have. Some easy ideas to conserve energy are:
1. Don’t take multiple trips in from home to town — organize your day so that you can make one trip and accomplish all that you need to do. Not only will this save gas, which is saving energy, it will save you money.
2. When you’re traveling out of town, let your friends know and arrange car-pooling so that the fewest amount of cars have to be driven.
3. When you aren’t charging your phone, computer, tablet, etc. unplug the charger from the wall.
Our society is continually growing. We need to create as much energy as we can so; we need to be open to the production of energy from a large variety of different sources.