OPINION | There shouldn’t be pressure to have the ‘perfect summer’

The pressure of a “perfect” summer can be overwhelming. But there are many ways to have an enjoyable summer. Annie Sorensen | Sun News Daily

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Summertime is when students access freedoms they might’ve been restricted from during the school year.

Whatever your “perfect summer” may be, it doesn’t have to follow popular trends. It could be as easy as talking walks on summer nights, visiting the beach every other weekend, going to Disneyland with some friends, or even traveling to Rome. Summer is supposed to be about having fun and allowing yourself to relax.

Every year, most people make it their mission to make that year’s summer, “the perfect summer.” There can’t be a perfect anything, let alone a perfect summer.

So why do we spend so much time obsessing over summer bodies or “the perfect summer plans?” It almost seems to be a “mid-year resolution,” for many people.

Now that’s not to say we can’t make summer plans. However, since nothing in life is perfect, don’t expect everything to go to plan. Oftentimes when we get on social media, social media sensations appear to have quintessential and exemplary lives, making sure everything in their pictures maintains that same level of perfection. This leads many social media users to experience anxiety and FOMO (fear of missing out).

Remember, many of these social media stars are people with lots of money, stature and power. They are able to present themselves as perfect and unblemished. But many of these social media stars have people taking care of it for them. It’s important to remember that they are all normal people just like us who experience the same types of fears and emotions.

Summer could also be a great time to regroup to figure out your wants and needs. Ask yourself questions like: “Am I happy with where I am? Do I want to continue down the path of my major?” If the answer to that is no, then spend your summer finding out who you are and what makes you happy in life.

Let’s take a moment to step away from that and focus on ourselves. How can we make sure we have the best summer ever? I’d like to think it’s pretty simple. Stop holding yourself to crazy high expectations. Instead, allow yourself to find peace and happiness within yourself and things you enjoy.

I know my “perfect summer” would consist of traveling to Europe every year, spending quality time with family and friends, and allowing myself enough to relax from life’s stressors. Regardless, have the summer you want without worrying about making it “perfect.”