Author: Alyssa Bayles

Posts by Alyssa Bayles:

Generation to generation: sibling trio competes in Utah Tech athletics

From generation to generation, this family isn’t like many others. While some spend time playing board games, the Laufisos spend their time in athletics. Utah Tech University student-athletes Taela Laufiso, Mya Laufiso and Kailer Laufiso are siblings from South Jordan. Taela, a senior communication studies major, is a setter, and Mya, a freshman general studies […]

Utah Tech women’s basketball coach faces investigation amid allegations

Utah Tech University is currently investigating allegations made by current and past players against women’s head basketball coach J.D. Gustin. According to The Salt Lake Tribune, 11 women accused Gustin of bullying, intimidation and retaliation. In interviews with the Tribune, the players said, “Gustin used obscenities while insulting them, humiliated them in front of teammates, […]

OPINION | Writers’ strike participants aren’t asking for too much

Picture this: You work for months on end to write a script. Multiple versions of the script are written until the perfect version is found. That script gets transformed into a movie, then it wins a bunch of awards and nominations. The actors and producers get highlighted while you, the writer, continue writing while living […]