Author: Emma van Lent

Posts by Emma van Lent:

Travis Seegmiller sworn into state legislature

After an emergency election on Feb. 12, a Dixie State University professor was elected into the state legislature. Travis Seegmiller, a business law and economics professor at DSU, was sworn into the Utah House of Representatives last Wednesday, only two days after winning the emergency election in St. George. The election was held following the […]

Exploring DSU’s hidden tunnels

Beneath Dixie State University lies an intricate system of tunnels that connect to most major buildings on campus. The tunnels were first approved in 1975, director of facility operations and energy, Bruce Peacock, said. Since that time, DSU has added to the tunnels every time a new building was constructed. The first phase when creating […]

Wrestling lifelong passion for coach Wayne Briggs

For six years Wayne Briggs, head coach of men’s wrestling, has been coaching with Dixie State University, and it’s clear to see where he developed his passion from.  Briggs has been coaching for 22 years and his love for wrestling stemmed from and early age.  “I’ve wrestled all my life, pretty much,” Briggs said. Briggs wrestling career started in […]

Making it happen: Creating realistic resolutions, goals

“This year I will be healthier.” “This year I am going to work out.” “This year I am going to get good grades.” We’re all guilty of making these vague and stereotypical New Year’s resolutions, but does anyone actually follow through with them? According to Forbes.com, only 8 percent of people actually achieve their resolutions. […]

#MeToo movement sparks conversation at DSU

#MeToo caused the world to pay attention to the sexual assault problem in the country and in individual communities. #MeToo was a movement on social media where survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment were encouraged to post #MeToo on their timelines to bring to light to just how many people have been affected by […]

DSU dance recital showcases unique choreography

Seniors showcase unique choreography and innovative style during the dance department’s winter concert tonight at Dixie State University.  The DSU dance department’s annual winter dance concert is Dec. 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dolorés Dore Eccles Fine Arts Center Main Stage. This concert is a time for the seniors who have been working on choreographing these dances since […]

DSU announces general education requirement adaptations

Dixie State University is making three structural changes to the general education program starting fall 2018.  Nancy Ross, interim director of general education, announced via email on Nov. 20 general education requirement changes will affect the information literacy, computer literacy, and global and cultural perspective courses. The information literacy course, LIB 1010, will no longer […]