Author: Rachel Lords

Posts by Rachel Lords:

DSU international students plan summer, persevere despite COVID-19

In the midst of the U.S. dealing with COVID-19, some of Dixie State University’s very own international students had personal trials to face too. They’ve been dealing with the stress of what to do in a country so far away from their home countries, and now that summer is quickly approaching, it’s time to decide […]

OPINION | Shaving should always be optional

The first time I was aware of shaving was when I watched my dad shave his face. In elementary school, I was interested in what the feeling was, so my parents let me shave one leg. Now, when you’re a third or fourth grader, shaving isn’t going to do much, but I remember hearing then […]

How you can quit your job, avoid awkwardness

For those of you lucky few, you may have never had to quit a job. The rest of you probably know how awkward that situation can be between you, your boss and coworkers. Ali Threet, executive director of Career Services, said she is no stranger to having to quit a job. Threet said she always […]

DSU Budget Office creating more transparency

The Dixie State University Budget Office is in the process of making its budget plans more transparent and accessible for the DSU community. Bryant Flake, executive director of planning and budget, said the reason the Budget Office is making the budget more transparent is because of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities‘ accreditation report. […]

OPINION | Apple superior to Android

One of the biggest, most heated debates of the 21st century is the age-old question of which is better: Apple or Android? Now, this is an exclusively phone-related debate; let’s not bring computers into this because that’s a much more complex situation. With phones, there is only one right answer, and it’s Apple. For some […]

‘Stress less, decompress:’ How you can avoid stress during finals week

Finals are coming up and you may be starting to get stressed out about them. You’re probably also getting burnt out from school, and worried since the year is suddenly coming to an end and finals are creeping up. Don’t worry, here are some tips from three faculty members to ease your mind. Jamy Dahle, […]

DSU seeking new course evaluation system for more accurate results

Dixie State University officials are working on changing the program used for course evaluations because the current program is not providing the quality results DSU is hoping to find in order to improve classes. The Faculty Senate Excellence Committee oversees course evaluations, and has been seeking out a new program for a year and a […]

Bucket-list: 6 must-do activities in your 20s

For those of you who are in your 20s, congratulations. These next 10 years of your life may be filled with partying after reaching legal age, getting hitched in what you hope to be your fairytale wedding, or even graduating college to start off the rest of your future. Whatever your future holds, the possibilities are […]

Do’s, don’ts of negotiating your grades

Now that it’s nearing the end of the school year, you might be panicking about your grades. It’s crunch time, and for a lot of us, now is the time when we start desperately asking our professors what we can do for a better grade. Katie Armstrong, director of college advisement and general education adviser, […]

OPINION | Mass shooting in Colorado shows need for stricter gun laws

On March 22 in Boulder, Colorado, a grocery store mass shooting killed 10 people. This event adds to the 104 mass shootings in the U.S. in 2021 alone, and sadly, it will likely be followed by many more before the year’s end. Most of those shootings are not in public places like grocery stores, but all […]