Author: Katie McKellar

Posts by Katie McKellar:

Erotic Topic: Good nutrition, diet keys to better love life

A few lifestyle tweaks can banish problematic sex frustrations like mid-thrust muscle cramps or friction burns from chapped nether-lips. If you give as much attention to your body as your partner’s pleasure centers, you will improve your own sex experience and performance. The first area of sexual self-improvement is fitness. Sex shouldn’t leave you exhausted […]

Erotic Topic: Contraception choices abundant

Diverting the stork doesn’t have to be all about pills and condoms as long as you’re prepared to get down and dirty with a few tricks and little risk. We all know from our overwhelmingly educational high school health classes that abstinence is the only 100 percent effective form of birth control.  However, common sense […]

Students, faculty arming themselves with training, guns

In light of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, students and teachers are becoming increasingly aware of the presence of, and the option to, carry firearms on campus. Campus Security Director Don Reid said he knows the number of on-campus concealed weapon carriers is growing due to how many openly inform campus security about their […]

Erotic Topic: Sex sinful in eyes of beholder

Society has gagged, handcuffed and screwed the concept of sex doggy-style for centuries now; it’s about time humanity realized the difference between a sex sin and a sex right. While such a conservative culture all but swallows St. George and the rest of Utah, the act, discussion and even idea of sex is continually condemned, […]

Purchasing condoms, tampons cause some consumers worry

From hemorrhoid cream to vibrators, purchases of suggestive and even humiliating products turn everyday ordeals into much more. Pharmacy technician Amber Praznick has encountered her fair share of embarrassed customers in her 14 years of experience.  These shoppers tend to be most mortified by buying items like enemas, suppositories, pregnancy tests and condoms. “I’ve seen […]

Grades may not have impact some students may think

In some cases, college grades may not be as important as some students think. On Facebook and around campus, Dixie Sun News polled 100 people about the importance of grades when it comes to starting post-graduation careers. Students shared their opinions while academic and Career Center advisers offered their professional expertise on the matter. Twelve […]

Snooze button does more harm than good

While we all may love those 10 extra minutes, hitting the snooze button actually sabotages what could be a full night of restful sleep. Students and professors shared their thoughts on whether alarm clocks and their snooze buttons are friends or foes, and popular conjecture condemned snooze button temptations. According to an article from Health Magazine, “Skip the […]

Irresponsible, uninformed voters need not participate

It’s an issue that infects the entire nation and directly disturbs the quality of American democracy: irresponsible voting. A disconcerting amount of voters today do little to educate themselves on current political issues and the standpoints of the presidential candidates. Before checking the ballot, I urge voters to do fair research and think critically about […]

Hiccup origin solved; jury still out on solution

Practically everyone’s had them, but almost no one can explain them. Students, professors and other experts combined their knowledge to address the curiosity behind hiccups. What are they? What causes them? And, most importantly, how do you get rid of them? Biology professor Curt Walker said the “hic!” noise occurs in the throat when the […]

‘Nightfall With Edgar Allen Poe’ brings poet to life

The Halloween special from Dixie State College’s Theater Ensemble this year is “The Nightfall with Edgar Allan Poe,” a production that explores the darkness, and perhaps madness, within Poe’s mind.