Author: Bailey Chism

Posts by Bailey Chism:

DSU police teach women in the S.A.F.E. class

We never think something bad will happen until it does. It’s normally something we see in movies, not in real life, right?  The harsh reality is those things do happen in real life. Women can be assaulted because they happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Our parents warned us of […]

Choosing your major comes at your own pace

From the time we’re little, we’re always asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” You might want to grow up to be an astronaut, the president, maybe a chef, but then you start high school and the questions get more serious. Every year, you are asked the same questions, but you […]

OPINION | Summer classes are just as important as fall and spring classes

As graduating high school students, we all wondered if we’d be able to graduate college early. The answer to that question: absolutely. Taking summer courses will be easier to manage graduation and allow fall and spring semester to be less stressful.  I’m currently in my sophomore year of college. I am lucky to graduate as […]

The dangers of overdosing

We never think it’s possible for something bad to happen to us until it does. Addiction is a disease, a scary one at that, and we can never be sure who around us is a victim to it.  Drug use can lead to many terrifying possibilities with overdosing being high on that list. We all […]

DSU students eligible for free food through ‘Come and Get it’ program

Dixie State University introduced a new program for students in which they can sign up to receive leftover food from campus events.  This program is used in universities across the country, and has been successful in many. It cuts down on food waste and goes directly to students. “We are hopeful that this program will […]

Increased gas prices bring more stress into students’ lives

As gas prices steadily rise, students may begin to struggle to make ends meet.  Gas prices have been on a rollercoaster ride since 2020. Most college students are working on top of going to class in order to live comfortably. While still working, most students only have a part-time job in order to focus on […]

OPINION | Trauma talk has become too casual on social media

People are beginning to casually talk about the “trauma” in their lives on social media in a way they shouldn’t.  #TraumaTok, a TikTok hashtag with over 615 million views, allows creators to recount traumatic experiences in their lives to their followers using something called “casual therapy speak.” Creators on TikTok post content that allows their […]

DSU expects name change to close this years enrollment

As the change to Utah Tech University takes place, the community wants to know how it’s going to affect St. George.  Jyl Hall, director of public relations, said as the university continues to grow and the enrollment rates climb, there has been talk of new buildings and a new campus layout. There have been more […]

DSU starts midterm evaluations to make improvements to classes before the semester ends

Dixie State University professors were given the opportunity to hear from students more than once each semester with a new type of evaluation.  The faculty excellence committee, in charge of promoting academic standards, started the survey program. Helen Saar, associate professor of finance, said, “The objective of the faculty excellence committee is to give faculty […]

DSU encourages its students to be active in both learning and life

Students get the best of both worlds when attending Dixie State University with its “active learning. active life.” tagline which enables students to have a dynamic, engaging life.  DSU offers a multitude of classes and employment opportunities which engage students in learning actively and having an active life. It helps enable students to not only […]