Author: Cody Eckman

Posts by Cody Eckman:

Dixie Idol gives local talent opportunities, venue

It’s that time of year again and talented singers at Dixie State University are jamming out at Dixie Idol, held throughout the week in the Gardner Center. Samantha Kidd, a sophomore dance major from Las Vegas and the public events chair under the student life branch of DSUSA said the turn out this year was […]

What’s in your backpack?

Because of preference, need and other considerations, the make-up of someone’s backpack is a pretty personal thing. I interviewed Leighton Ipson, a sophomore undeclared major from Washington, Sarah Eggett, a senior secondary education major from Bountiful, Jake Barrett, a sophomore music major from Logan, and Adam Garceau, a junior pre-nursing major from Sacramento to find […]

Our view: Student journalism at risk; Dixie Sun appreciates support from readers

News outlets have a longstanding tradition of acting as a check and balance for governing bodies. At The Dixie Sun News, our goal is to inform the public of the goings-on at Dixie State University, find the truth and report it accurately, fairly and in a timely manner. A campus news team is an essential […]

Dear Dixie: Inconsiderate roommates cause stress

To kick off our newest column, “Dear Dixie,” the Dixie Sun News staff put our heads together and talked about some common issues we’ve had since coming to college. This week’s topic comes from our collective mind. For future columns, we’re relying on you. Send us your questions, concerns or rants at [email protected]. Dealing with […]

Mitt Romney visits DSU seeking support

Hundreds of students, faculty and members of the community gathered on the second floor of the Jeffrey R. Holland Centennial Commons Building to meet Mitt Romney during his visit to Dixie State University on Monday. Romney’s campaign staff coordinated with DSU faculty and staff as well as a number of volunteers from around campus to […]

Alex Boyé performs, records video at DSU

Whether members of the community or students at Dixie State University, fans new and old gathered to see Alex Boyé perform on Saturday. Jordon Sharp, chief marketing and communication officer, said about 4,000 people were in attendance at the Burns Arena on Saturday. According to his personal website, Boyé hails from London and was raised […]

Student senators serve, fund academic growth

At Dixie State University, there exists a group of students whose primary job is to distribute funding for the furtherance of academic endeavors. Every major department and college at DSU has a student liaison (called a student senator) tasked with meeting with department heads and member of the student government, hearing student requests for funding, […]

Students warned about job hunt dangers

With sexual assault at the forefront of our nation’s collective consciousness, protecting oneself from danger is more important than ever. Finding a job can be a stressful enough task by itself and making sure you’re safe while doing it can add to that stress immensely. Taking certain precautions can save you from a bad situation. […]

Put your refund to use for finances, fun

As we wave January goodbye, we’re officially into tax season and, while tax prep might not be thrilling, it certainly has its perks.  The best of these is the potential for a hefty return. Tax returns raise interesting questions and show us a lot about ourselves: are we the type to use excess cash practically […]

Good riddance Orrin Hatch

Orrin Hatch is stepping down after 42 years of service to the state of Utah as the longest-serving Republican Senator in U.S. history. Hatch has been reelected 7 times having started his tenure in 1977. For you traditional Dixie State University students, that date probably doesn’t mean much — you likely weren’t born until nearly […]