Author: Frankie Medina

Posts by Frankie Medina:

OPINION | Biden’s loan forgiveness holds out hope

President Joe Biden announced that he is enacting loan forgiveness to help middle class families “breathing room,” as they prepare for their careers. Biden’s loan forgiveness is much needed as it will give 45 million Americans a leap forward to success. As a college student who has taken out student loans, it has built a […]

OPINION l DSU shouldn’t disclose all crimes

There are laws to protect students from threatening crimes, but Dixie State University doesn’t have to alert students of all of them. According to the DSU Police Departments’ crime log, there are more crimes than what gets talked about. If DSU did report all crimes there would be more fear than education within the university. […]

OPINION l Movie theaters are not a thing of the past

Putting it into perspective, the movie theater is not just for one specific group of people. People of all ages attend on a daily basis; making it much more popular.  Movie theaters, for years, have offered various forms of entertainment from the movies shown, the arcade games within the buildings, and the copious amounts of […]

Resiliency is key for student success

Students say the most important factor to overcoming obstacles financially, emotionally and mentally, is having resilience. Resilience in personal and academic lives Having resilience in your academic and personal life is key to building a strong foundation in your mental health. Being resilient helps you focus more on yourself than on problems you cannot control. […]

Top five hikes in St. George

With spring break coming up, there is no doubt hiking will be on the top of people’s must-do lists. Here are some exciting hikes to try out this spring break everyone is sure to enjoy: Temple Quarry Trail – Temple Quarry Trail St. George, UT 84770 This family friendly hike has many interesting features to […]

OPINION | Class sizes in college matter

Class size matters to help students achieve academic success and confidence in the classroom. Being in a classroom of 40, or even 80, other students is very intimidating. Maybe you feel dumb or shy when asking a question in front of this many students. These are all things that should be considered when a university […]

Lolita Develay showcases her art for Black History Month

In honor of Black History Month, artist Lolita Develay showcased her portfolio at the North Plaza on Dixie State University’s campus. Featuring ten of Develay’s pieces, the artist’s message is “exploring social issues” that have had an impact on her as an American. Her art displays unforeseen pictures that are different but impactful. The painting […]

OPINION | Valentine’s Day has too much expectations

For couples, Valentine’s Day is a holiday of gift-giving to a significant other. For others, this is the most dreadful holiday. Although Valentine’s Day is full of love and fun, there are false expectations you have to go above and beyond for your significant other. There is too much expectation and stress for Valentine’s Day […]

Valentine’s Day date ideas

With Valentine’s Day coming up, there is no better way to celebrate than to make plans with your friends, family or significant other. Here are fun and affordable date ideas you can do in St. George during the pink and red holiday. Fiesta Fun Family Fun Center Fiesta Fun has lots of activities to do […]